The conference was hosted by the Communist Party of Vietnam CentralCommittee (CPVCC) Secretariat and co-chaired by Politburo member andpermanent member of the Secretariat Truong Tan Sang, Politburo memberand Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Sinh Hung and CPVCC member and Head ofthe CPVCC Office Ngo Van Du.
As many as 350 delegates from centrally-run ministries, sectors,agencies, cities and provinces, and outstanding private enterprisesattended the event.
Opening the conference, Sang said the fifth meeting of the CPVCC,ninth tenure, adopted Resolution 14-NQ/TW, dated March 18, 2002, on thecontinued renewal of mechanisms and policies encouraging and creatingfavourable conditions for the development of the private economic sectorin order to implement the Resolution of the ninth National PartyCongress.
The approval of the resolution met the aspirations of the entire Partyand people and has come into life, he said.
The Party official stressed that this conference is aimed at enhancingleadership, information and awareness and creating a high degree ofconsensus among the entire Party and people as well as sectors andgovernment at all levels about the Party and State’s consistent policyon developing the private economy.
Party committees and governments at all levels, the Vietnam FatherlandFront, mass organisations and private businesses should put forthproposals regarding laws, mechanisms and policies, and define thereasons why many of the issued regulations have failed to yield goodresults, he said.
Sang also urged the participants to make suggestions to help theprivate economic sector overcome its shortcomings and weaknesses todevelop strongly on a par with the nation’s potential.
Speaking at the conference, Deputy PM Hung emphasised the role anddirections for the development of the private economy in the years tocome.
The deputy PM asked the delegates to discuss and put forward solutionsto continue renewing, encouraging and creating favourable conditionsfor the development of the private economic sector, thus turning it intoan impetus for the durable and sustainable growth of the whole country.
Over the past eight years, a wide range of policies and regulationshave been issued, creating a legal framework and a good environment forthe private economy to develop.
The government, ministries, agencies and localities have been eager toadopt measures to support enterprises, including private firms. Theprivate sector has developed rapidly in terms of both quantity andquality, generating more jobs, increasing funds for the state budget andcontributing to the national economy’s steady growth.
However, the reform of mechanisms and policies exclusively designedfor the private sector has still seen restrictions as a number ofregulations are far removed from the current reality./.