Dong Thap (VNA) - Peopletravelling to the Mekong Delta during Tet should visit Sa Dec flower village inDong Thap province to admire flowers blooming in vivid colours and the bustlingatmosphere.
Located some 150km southwest of Ho Chi MinhCity, Sa Dec is the largest supplier of flowers to southern provinces.
It has some 2,000 households who chieflyearn a living by growing and selling flowers and ornamental trees.
Tourists should drop by the village by the20th of the lunar year’s last month, which falls on February 5 this year, whenflowers are trucked or loaded onto boats to flower markets in HCM City andother parts of the country.
Locals and wholesalers bargain over the flowersand chat merrily while visitors are excited to take photos, turning the quietvillage into a busy area. - VNA