HCM City (VNA) - The Earth Hour campaign was launched in Ho Chi MinhCity on March 17, with a focus on the "Change your green" project,which encourages volunteers to propose initiatives to reduce pollution and theuse of plastic and promote waste recycling.
During the launch ceremony, Ngo Minh Hai, Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi MinhCommunist Youth Union in the city, said volunteers will present their ideas andthe way to realise the models. Outstanding ideas will be selected and receive financialassistance to implement from the organising board.
In addition to the project, Earth Hour 2019 includes activities such as greenmovement and green connectivity projects and a light turning-off ceremony thatwill take place from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm on March 30 at the Young People’s CultureHouse. The event is expected to attract more than 5,000 youth and local residents.
The Earth Hour campaign in Vietnam is an annual activity. It is hosted by theMinistry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), with the support of many businesses,especially the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN), which serves as the sponsor of thecampaign.
The campaign is one of the actions of the Vietnamese Government and people,demonstrating their commitment to joining hands with the world in the fightagainst climate change.
In 2009, Vietnam had only six provinces and cities across the countryparticipating in the campaign, but now this event is joined by many localitiesnationwide, as well as organisations and businesses.
The Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organised by the World Wide Fundfor Nature (WWF). It has been described as the largest world grassrootsmovement for the environment, with the involvement of around 7,000 cities in172 countries and territories so far.
In Vietnam, activities responding to the Earth Hour are coordinated by theMinistry of Industry and Trade with the support of the Electricity of Vietnam(EVN). The EVN has been the main sponsor of the Earth Hour movement in thecountry for 10 consecutive years, since Vietnam joined the campaign in2009.-VNA