According to theVietnam E-commercial Association, the rapid development of onlinetrading activities has opened great opportunities and challenges forexpress delivery companies in the domestic market.
Meanwhile,the Ministry of Information and Communication has reported that thedomestic e-commerce market has often achieved two-digit revenues eachyear in previous years.
To take advantage of opportunities,express delivery companies should improve the speed of and fees fordelivery to increase competitiveness in the market, said theassociation.
The Thoi bao Kinh doanh newspaper quotes NguyenQuoc Vinh, Deputy General Director of Vietnam Postal Corporation(VNPost), as saying that VNPost plans to invest in the development ofservices for e-commerce customers as a key business strategy for thefuture.
VNPost holds the largest share at 37 percent of thedomestic express delivery market and has seen potential marketopportunities.
It aims to take full advantage of its postaldelivery system nationwide by investing in workforce development fore-commerce activities as well as service products and equipmentdevelopment to better manage orders and deliveries for e-commerce.
DHL-VNPT,which holds the second largest domestic market share at 15.28 percent,has invested 10 million USD to further expand its market, including thepurchase of modern equipment and the opening of more delivery centres inlarge cities.
Viettel Post, which holds the third largestdomestic market share at 10.08 percent, has built a system fordelivering goods and postal products to 95 percent of districts andcommunes in 63 provinces and cities nationwide.
Hoang Quoc Anh,Viettel Post General Director, said each year, the company investedthree to five percent of its revenue in technology to reduce deliverytime and fees for the express delivery of goods.
The company planned to modernise equipment to control the quality of delivery and save on petrol costs.
Anh revealed that revenue from delivery orders of e-commerce customers had grown by 35 to 40 percent.
Onlinetrading activities are expected to increase in the future, along withexpress delivery requests, thereby creating more business opportunitiesfor express delivery companies, according to Anh.
Vinh agreedwith Anh, saying customers would be expecting more in the futureregarding the quality of goods sent using express delivery services.
Theministry says Vietnam has 220 companies with express delivery services,including 91 enterprises that have been granted trading postal servicelicences.-VNA

Vietnamese, Korean experts discuss measures for sustainable development
VASS Vice President Dang Xuan Thanh pointed out the successful models of such countries as the Republic of Korea (RoK) and Japan, which Vietnam can learn from to enhance its competitiveness and integration into global supply chains.