“TheMinistry of Finance is committed to hasten reforms of tax and customs policiesaimed at creating the best business environment,” Vu Thi Mai said at thedialogue held by the ministry and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry(VCCI) on November 28 in Hanoi.
The dialoguedrew the participation of more than 400 companies and industry associations.
Mai said theministries welcomed all comments from businesses which would contributesignificantly to improve policies.
During thepast five years, the finance ministry has broadened dialogues with businesses,aimed at providing them with updates to address their difficulties.
According toVCCI’s Deputy Chairman Hoang Quan Phong, slow tax settlement and slow customsclearance were among the problems that businesses faced.
Phong saiddialogue and training of the updates to policies must be promoted in additionto transparency in tax and customs procedures.
Cao AnhTuan, deputy director of the General Department of Taxation, said tax policieshad been amended to ensure they were appropriate with the global integration trendand the country’s economic development, and would contribute to removingdifficulties for taxpayers, coupled with efforts for simplifying taxprocedures.
Accordingly,tax procedures had already been reduced from 385 to 300. E-tax declaration andpayment were applied nationwide, which helped cut tax payment time from 537hours in 2013 to current 117 hours. In addition, online tax refund was underthe pilot phase and would soon be applied widely.
Vu Ngoc Anh,deputy director of the General Department of Customs, said customs reforms weremade towards facilitating import and export, implementing a national singlewindow and improving transparency.
At thedialogue, tax and customs official answered questions of businesses, related tospecial consumption tax, tax policies on automobiles and regulations ontemporary import.
According toMai, the Ministry of Finance will work closely with relevant ministries andorganisations to implement measures to support businesses.-VNA