Speaking at a press briefing in Hanoi on May 10, Bui Quoc Viet, Directorof the Centre for Information and Public Relations under the VietnamPost and Telecom Group (VNPT) stated that Vietnam has been considered asthe world’s most attractive market for telecom, IT and electronics asthe event will see the participation of telecom firms and groups fromSingapore, France and China.
Vietnam Telecomp/ Electronics-Internet & IT 2010 is expected todraw 200 enterprises from 15 countries and territories. Vietnam’sgiant telecom and IT providers, including VinaPhone, MobiFone, VDC andFPT, will participate in the event.
In 2010, Viet said, the country’s connectivity index increased by 16levels, the most impressive achievements among developing countries. Theresult is considered as prerequisite for the nations’ telecom sector tofulfil a target of 10 billion USD in revenues this year.
Besides introducing products that benefit the socio-economic life likebroadband, television and Internet and software, Vietnam Telecomp/Electronics-Internet & IT 2010 will include several symposiums ondeveloping the 3G services, broadband, multimedia and activities ofproviding information in the areas of radio and television broadcasting.
The International Telecommunications Alliance said Vietnam was amongnations with highest telecom growth rate in the world in recent years.
By the end of April, the country’s number of telephone subscribersreached 143.8 million, a year-on-year increase of 56.2 percent. Of thefigure, 123.9 million were mobile phone subscribers. The country alsohas about 3.2 million Internet subscribers with nearly 24.3 millionusers, making up 27.5 percent of the population./.