Addressinga recent workshop in Hai Phong on HIV/AIDS control policies, the lawmaker said foreign aid for the work has been reducing as Vietnam entersthe group of middle income countries. The government also plans toabolish the national target programme on preventing and fightingHIV/AIDS, drug and prostitutions, which means the work will no longerreceive priority in investment, he said.
Meanwhile, the country continues to aim higher in this field, targetingproviding ARV treatment for 100,000 HIV carriers from the current48,000, and Methadone therapy for 80,000 drug users by the end of nextyear compared to the current 16,000.
KristanSchoultz, UNAIDS Vietnam CountryDirector, suggested that Vietnam needs bold decisions and actions rightnow to sustain the results of the past 25-year effort in HIV/AIDScontrol.
She saidthe initiative on development of a strategic investment case for HIVaims to provide an effective tool to inform decision making in theallocation and optimisation of resources for HIV/AIDS control activities.
Participants at theworkshop were also introduced to the national investment strategy onHIV/AIDS control in the 2015-2020 period.-VNA