Japaneseinvestors are currently running 2,237 valid projects in Vietnam with atotal registered capital of 35.38 billion USD. The average capital perJapanese-invested project in Vietnam is about 15.8 million USD, higherthan the average level of all foreign-invested projects, which is 14.58million USD.
Japan has invested in 18 of the nation’s 21 economicsectors including 1,213 projects in the processing and manufacturingindustry with registered capital of 29.82 billion USD, accounting for54.2% of total Japanese projects and 84.3% of Japan’s total investmentcapital.
The real estate sector came in second, with 30 projectsand a registered capital of 1.4 billion USD (equivalent to 4% of totalinvestment capital). This was followed by the construction sector andits 54 projects with registered capital of 1.05 billion USD - equal to3% of total Japanese investment capital.
Nearly all of theseJapanese enterprises are doing business in the form of 100%foreign-invested projects (accounting for 82.2% of total projects) andjoint venture companies (16.2% of total projects). The remaining fewhave engaged in joint stock companies and business co-operationcontracts.
To date, Japan has invested in 48 of the 63 provincesand cities across the country, with Thanh Hoa at the top of the list andfollowed by Binh Duong and Hanoi.-VNA