Japanese enterprises seek opportunity in Da Nang

A delegation of Japanese enterprises from Saga prefecture made a fact-finding tour to Da Nang from March 12-13 to seek for investment opportunities in this central coastal city.
A delegation of Japanese enterprises from Saga prefecture made a fact-finding tour to Da Nang from March 12-13 to seek for investment opportunities in this central coastal city.

At meetings with local authorities, the Japanese entrepreneurs were informed of the city’s development strategy with two priorities in high quality services and hi-tech industrial zone. They also received commitments from Da Nang ’s senior officials to create favorable conditions for foreign investors, including those from Japan.

As part of the tour, the delegation visited Da Nang port, attended presentation sessions about the East-West economic corridor as well as the strategies to attract investment in the city’s hi-tech industrial zones.

Members of the delegation appreciated Da Nang’s strategic location and dynamic development, saying they hoped a direct flight route connecting the city with Fukuoka will soon be opened. -VNA

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