Hanoi (VNA) - The Ministry of Industryand Trade (MoIT) has been asked to report the list of approved solar powerplants to Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc before July 15, 2018.
Earlier, the ministry proposed to DeputyPM Trinh Dinh Dung a supplementation of some solar power projects intothe Power Development Master Plan VII.
It said that the master plan has currently manyshortcomings. Many electricity projects have been delayed, especially those inthe southern region, including Long Phu I, Long Phu II, Song Hau I, Song Hau IIand Vinh Tan III.
The development of thermal-power plants is alsofacing difficulties due to stricter requirements on environment protection aswell as infrastructure and coal supply to plants.
These are reasons why the addition of solarpower plants with quick investment and speedy construction progress, besidesbeing a clean power source, into the master plan is necessary.
In addition to the approved projects, the numberof solar power projects submitted by investors to the ministry is large. Thesupplementation of such projects should be considered to ensure transparencyand equality in planning and management as well as to ensure power supply andland fund for projects.
Deputy PM Dung has asked the ministry to reportthe specific list of approved solar projects to be supplemented intoelectricity planning in localities while enhancing the management of theprojects.
In addition to this, the ministry has been askedto quickly complete the national solar power development planning to submit tothe Prime Minister.
According to the announcement, the Governmentwill only consider adding to the master plan solar power projects of whomthe ministry has completed the assessment and submitted the report to the PrimeMinister. These include BIM2 (250MW) in southern Ninh Thuan province, Phu My(330MW) in central Binh Dinh province and some others.
The ministry has been asked to takeresponsibilities such as assessing contents, especially clarifying thenecessity to supplement the project into the master plan, scale of the projectsand feasibility in investment.
MoIT has approved more than 70 projects, with atotal capacity of over 3,000MW, to be operationalised before June 2019.
The capacity is much larger than the combined capacityof projects by 2020 as approved by the Prime Minister in the master plan.-VNA