Participants to the seminar were briefed of two basic phases, blackline and white line of OxIndus technology, in solving electric arcfurnace dusts (EAFD).
Scientists said that OxIndustechnology is an effective technology and a feasible economic andenvironmental solution in steel production using EAF technology. Theprocess does not generate toxic waste, they said.
Atpresent, the French Natural Resources Development Research Company(NRD) and its partners are waiting for investment licences to build aWhite Line plant in the northern port city of Hai Phong and installthe first Black Line in 2011.
According to theVietnam Steel Corporation, around 70,000 tonnes of steel dusts aregenerated during steel making in 2010 and the figure is expected toreach 100,000 tonnes next year.
The seminar is partof the Vietnam-France Culture Week and an activity of a cooperation planbetween the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology’s TechnologyDevelopment and Application Department and the NRD./.