Theindex of industrial production (IIP), in the first seven months,registered the highest growth rate so far this year, compared to 3percent in January, 5.4 percent in the first two months of the year, 5.2in the first quarter and 5.8 percent in the first half of the year.
The IPP during Jan-July 2014 is also higher than the IPP during the same period last year, according to the GSO.
Theoffice attributed the high IIP growth rate to the 8.1 percent surge inthe processing and manufacturing sector, which accounted for 70 percentof total industrial output.
Industrial products with the highestgrowth rate in the period include mobile phones, with 77 million units,up 37.8 percent; rolled steel with 2 million tonnes, up 23.8 percent;televisions with 1.8 million, up 23.3 percent; shoes with 150.4 millionpairs manufactured; and electric output with 72.3 billion Kwh, up 11.9percent.
Meanwhile, other products that reported lower growthrates include steel, at 1.7 million tonnes, up 0.8 percent; and NPKfertiliser, with 1.4 miilion tonnes, up 1.4 percent.
Someproducts with declining output included motorbikes, with 1.85 millionunits, down 12.9 percent; liquefied petro gas (LPG) with 365,000 tonnes,down 10.7 percent; crude oil with 8.7 million tonnes, down 1.9 percent;and chemical paint with 275 tonnes, down 1.2 percent.
GSOexperts attributed the low consumption to a slow rebound of the worldeconomy, as well as low demand in the domestic market and a highinventory index.
The July 1 inventory index of the processing andmanufacturing industry posted a month-on-month increase of 12.8 percentand a year-on-year surge of 13.2 percent.
Other sectorsreporting higher inventories than the same period last year wereelectronics, computers, tobacco products, medicines, pharmaceuticalproducts and materials, leather, and paper.-VNA