Quang Ngai plans stable power supply for islet

Central Quang Ngai province’s Industry and Trade Department plans to supply stable power to the 500 residents of An Binh islet 30km off the coast of the province, in the next three years.
Central Quang Ngai province’s Industry and Trade Department plans to supply stable power to the 500 residents of An Binh islet 30km off the coast of the province, in the next three years.

Inhabitants of the small islet currently rely on a small solar power energy system that offers only enough power for a few hours of light or TV.

The Department proposed to produce power from diesel-driven generators and bigger solar panels by 2015 as a temporary solution.

The Government, however, plans to build a grid to provide constant electricity to everyone in the district.

Currently electricity from diesel generators is supplies for only five hours each day and 15 days each month.

A 2009 thermo-power project was abandoned, as it would have heavily polluted the environment.

The island aims to become a tourism centre by 2020.-VNA

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