Quang Ninh (VNA) – A teleconference was held on September 22 todiscuss post-pandemic cooperation between Vietnam’s the northern province ofQuang Ninh and Thailand’s Phuket, especially in re-opening tourism markets.
Speaking at the event, Director of the Representative Office of the TourismAuthority of Thailand in Vietnam Ratiwan Boonprakong introduced the “PhuketSandbox” programme which aims to prevent COVID-19 transmission betweentourists and local residents.
From July 1 to August 29, the programme welcomed over 25,800visitors spending 450,806 nights and travelling to Phuket on 283 charteredflights, mostly from the US, UK, Israel, France, Germany, United Arab Emiratesand Switzerland.
Director of the Quang Ninh provincial Tourism Department Pham Ngoc Thuysuggested Thailand continue creating favourable conditions for Udon Thaniprovince to effectively carry out an action plan within the framework of tourismcooperation in the heritage triangle of Vietnam’s Ha Long Bay, Thailand’s BanChiang and Laos’ Luang Prabang, as well as help Quang Ninh’s tourism sectorexplore opportunities and promote destinations.
He also proposed the two local tourism sectors establish an information sharingmechanism and study building a suitable tourism cooperation model.
Quang Ninh officially resumed its intra-provincial tourism from September 21 andplans to welcome back visitors from other localities without local transmissions within 14days, in the last two months of this year. They are required to be fullyvaccinated and take Realtime-PCR tests within 48 hours./.