Moscow (VNA) – Russian President VladimirPutin has highly evaluated the role of the East Asia Summit (EAS) in regionaland international security issues and agreed with the key idea in the HanoiDeclaration on the 15th anniversary of the EAS.
Speaking at the 15th EAS held viavideo conference on November 14, Putin said: “East Asia Summits have established themselvesas a respected platform for discussing urgent issues affectingthe entire Asia-Pacific Region, for a joint searchfor solutions to the most burning international problems.”
“This is reflectedin the Hanoi Declaration, the main document to be adoptedfollowing the summit. I agree with the key idea recordedin the document that our nations must work in concerton preserving peace and stability in Asia-Pacific, and buildup cooperation on a wide range of political and economicchallenges. It is also crucial that we act on the principlesof respect for international law, account for each other’sinterests and ensure indivisible security,” he said.
The Presidentaffirmed that Russia consistently advocates the establishmentof the atmosphere of constructive cooperationand the enhancement of stability in the Asia-PacificRegion, including in the military political area where risksand threats have grown significantly.
Putin stressedthat the future of the Asia-Pacific Region depends on howclosely nations will be able to unite in the faceof the emerging challenges and threats, to show politicalwill for cooperation in the interests of universaland sustainable development. Such an approach will undoubtedly yieldresults, and the Russian side is ready to make its contributionto joint work, he added./.