Singapore (VNA) -Singapore's Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan will pay a two-day visit toPyongyang from June 7, ahead of the historic June 12 summit between US PresidentDonald Trump and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) leader Kim JongUn.
The visit is made when the historical meeting between the US and DPRK leadersis expected to take place in Singapore on June 12, Singapore's Ministry ofForeign Affairs said in a statement on June 6.
Earlier on June 5, the White House announced that the summit will be held atCapella Hotel on Sentosa Island.
Preparations are underway in Singapore for the first summit between the topleaders.
Singaporean police said they will deploy security measures to prepare for themeeting, with the establishment of “special event areas” from June 10-14 aroundCapella Hotel under the Public Order Act.
Securitywill be tightened on streets surrounding these “special event areas” and peopleand vehicles travelling to these areas will be closely controlled.
In addition, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the USFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued on their websites a noticeto airlines and pilots that airspace over Singapore will betemporarily restricted for parts of June 11, 12 and 13.
Flightsarriving to Singapore Changi Airport will be required to reduce speed and facesome restrictions on runway use "for reasons of national security",the notice said.-VNA