Addressinga meeting in Hanoi on January 14 to launch the agency’s tasks in 2019, Phocsaid that the State Audit will carry out auditing projects on the refund of valueadded and information technology application of the General Department ofTaxation and the General Department of Vietnam Customs, alongside the contractsof build-transfer projects.
Duringthe year, as the sector will pay great attention to large-scale projects, thenumber of audits will reduce by about 20 percent, he said.
Hereported that last year, the State Audit completed 100 percent of its plan. Asof December 31, 2018, the agency proposed a fine of 89.6 trillion VND, whilehelping call back more than 20 trillion VND of State budget and reduce budgetspending by 44.4 trillion VND, up 18.39 percent compared to the previous year.
TheState Audit suggested amendments to and the cancellation of 115 legaldocuments, while giving ideas to fix shortcomings in the management of value addedtax and export tax, as well as the management of natural resources, economiczones, and ODA resources, he said.
In particular, lastyear, the State Audit successfully hosted the 14th Assemblyof the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), receiving compliments fromforeign friends, he noted.
The AuditorGeneral underlined that 2019 is a decisive year in implementing the strategy ofState Audit development towards 2020, and will be the first year that the StateAudit performs the role of the ASOSAI Chair in the 2018-2021 period.
He said that throughoutthe year, the sector will specify the Party and State’s resolution to implementthe strategy, improving its quality and strengthening operational and thematicauditing, while also enhancing the role of Vietnam’s State Audit in the globalarena and promoting IT application.
At the conference,National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong and head of the Party CentralCommittee’s Organisation Commission Pham Minh Chinh presented the StatePresident’s Independence Orders of different classes, the Prime Minister’s Certificateof Merit, and the Government’s emulation flags to collectives and individuals fromthe State Audit in recognition of their outstanding operational achievements. –VNA