Passing throughthe 60 booths at the Int'l Exhibition on Rubber Industry and TyreManufacturing, visitors can see products from over 50 international andlocal companies including Casumina, DRC, Triangle and Star China.
The exhibition aims to promote the rubber processing industry inVietnam as well as increase product value and export-importactivities.
Meanwhile, the Vietnam Coatings Expo2015 attracted 40 foreign and domestic businesses in the coatings, inksand pigment industry.
In parallel with exhibitionactivities and conferences, participants also had a chance to enquireabout the paint and print ink industry in Vietnam by visiting localfactories.
At the same time, 70 businesses from 16countries and territories worldwide are taking part in the 2015International Exhibition and Conference on the Pulp and Paper Industry.
The three exhibitions will run until June 12./-VNA