ThuaThien-Hue (VNA) - The central province of Thua Thien-Hue welcomed about12,500 visitors during the Liberation Day (April 30) and May Day (May 1)holiday last weekend, signalling the recovery of local tourism post-COVID-19.
Some 3,600visitors stayed overnight and were primarily from Hanoi, Da Nang, and northern andcentral provinces, according to the provincial Department of Tourism. Manyresorts and accommodation facilities along Thuan An and Lang Co beaches were 30to 50 percent occupied during the four-day holiday.
The Complexof Hue Monuments is offering free admission to visitors from April 30 to May 7while tightening precautionary measures against the SARS-CoV-2 that causes the pandemic. Tourists from outsideof Thua Thien-Hue are required to fill out a health declaration, use handsanitiser, and don masks before entering sites.
Theprovince plans to focus on the domestic market during the recovery stage. Fromnow to the end of the year it will offer various discounts on entry tickets tolocal tourist sites in order to boost demand, and will also host a nationwidetravel conference to connect providers of accommodation and tourism services whilepromoting Hue as a safe destination.
The 11thHue Festival will be held from August 28 to September 2, as scheduled.
Theprovince has issued separate sets of standards for attraction, accommodation, andtourism service providers and travel agencies, which must be met for them to beverified as “safe” for tourists./.