Accordingly, throughinterviews with 16 business associations in 7 provinces and citiesnationwide, the survey summed up their good experience and initiatives,focusing on service provision for members, how to develop effectiverevenue generation model, the application of information andcommunication technology (ICT), association administration, feedback onlegal policies, and international cooperation.
VCCI ViceChairman Hoang Van Dung underscored the need to improve capacity ofVietnam’s business associations in the context of increasinglyintegration, saying that Vietnamese enterprises should further enhancelinks so as to raise competitiveness, enabling them to join global valuechains.
The building of tools for assessing a businessassociation’s capacity aims to help associations to evaluate their owncapacity and compare their operation practices with internationalstandards, said Pham Ngoc Thach from VCCI’s legal department.
Onthe occasion, the Asia Foundation announced its funding programme toassist business associations in improving their performance throughapplying good practices and initiatives. The one-year programme isscheduled to begin in June 2015, with each aid package valuing from15,000-20,000 USD.-VNA