According to the survey, which was conducted in the second quarter ofthis year among those who already decided to invest in Vietnam or arevery interested in the Southeast Asian country, 81 percent out of 200respondents gave positive assessments on Vietnam’s economic prospect,much higher than the 59 percent and 36 percent levels of the twoprevious ones carried out last year.
The participants said that education and retailing are the mostattractive investment fields in Vietnam. Meanwhile, oil and gas andnatural resources are the least attractive.
Ken Atkinson, Grant Thorton Vietnam’s managing director, said this isthe third consecutive survey showing that retailing is the mostattractive business field in Vietnam. He added that with the increasinggrowth rate of Vietnam's retail market foreign investors would have tocompete with locals companies for market share.
According to the investors, corruption and investment procedures alongwith legal system are the leading obstacles to invest in Vietnam.Infrastructure, which used to be the top concern for investors inprevious survey, drops to the fourth place on the list of worries thistime./.