After opening the exhibition spotlighting enterprises in the nuclear industry on June 4, the Director General of the RosatomNuclear Corporation, Sergey Kirienko, gave a speech applauding Vietnam, Turkey , Nigeria and Bangladesh for attending the Forum for thefirst time and expressed his thanks for their trust in Russia andits nuclear technology.
The 2012 AtomExpoExhibition, which featured over 500 companies from 53 countries,focused on the design and construction of nuclear power stations,operational safety issues, new nuclear projects, re-cycling nuclear fueland managing radioactive waste.
During the Forum itself, many agreements, protocols and contracts will be signed between Rosatom and a host of foreign partners.
Rosatom is tobe a partner with Vietnam in the country’s first nuclear power stationin the central province of Ninh Thuan . The project will includetwo reactors with a combined output of 4,000 MW. Construction on the first reactor is expected to begin in 2014 and it will start to generate electricity by 2020.-VNA