During talks held in Havana, Phan Van Mai, Permanent Secretary of theHo Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCMCYU) Central Committee andYuniasky Crespo, First Secretary of the Cuban Young Communist League(YCL) Central Committee, have voiced their mutual support.
Thetwo bodies made preparations for their participation in the 18 thWorld Festival of Youth and Students to be held at the end of the yearin Ecuador.
Mai, who is also President of the Vietnam YouthFederation, briefed his host on outcomes of the HCMCYU’s tenth NationalCongress and its major programmes.
The HCMCYU is dedicated toimproving education and awareness-raising work among young people tofulfil their role as pioneers in the path of national construction anddefence, he said.
The Vietnamese youth leader used theoccasion to praise the YCL’s contributions to the World Federation ofDemocratic Youth and the organisation of the World Festival of Youth andStudents.
He said Vietnam could learn from Cuba as its youthrepresentatives take a more active role in the international arena andhoped the two sides could work together more closely in the time tocome.
For his part, Yuniasky Crespo thanked the HCMCYU for itsbacking of Cuba, considering this a manifestation of the close tiesbetween the two countries’ youth.
While introducing the YCL’scurrent tasks, the Cuban youth leader affirmed that the Cuban Party andGovernment always work to raise the awareness and patriotism of itsyoung people.
During his stay in Cuba from September 23-29,Mai met with President of the Cuban Institute for Friendship with thePeoples, Kenia Serrano, and was briefed on major programmes of actionbeing launched by the institute.
He also paid a courtesy visitto Oscar Martinez, Deputy Head of the International RelationsDepartment of the Cuban Communist Party, and laid wreaths at theMemorial of Jose Marti, Cuban’s national hero, and the statue of lateVietnamese President Ho Chi Minh.-VNA