After the agreement wassigned in late 2012 in Japan, the two sides have seen numerousachievements, including successful trade collaboration between the twocountries’ business communities, development of the support industry inVietnam and cooperation in environment and energy conservation.
Theupdated agreement will make great contributions to bilateral traderelations towards enhancing multifaceted cooperation between the twosides.
In the first eight months of 2014, Vietnam saw a tradesurplus of nearly 1.86 billion USD from exports to Japan. The country’simports from Japan hit 7.88 billion USD with the majority in machineryequipment, computers, electronics, steel products and plastic.
Aftersigning the Vietnam-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (VJEPA) in2010, a number of Vietnamese export businesses have effectively takenadvantage of preferential tariffs to boost exports to the Japanesemarket.-VNA