VOGA raised its opposition in its recentstatement on the case which happened on May 26 when three Chinesemarine surveillance vessels cut survey cables attached to the BinhMinh 02, a survey ship of the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group(PetroVietnam), when it was conducting seismic surveys well withinVietnam ’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.
“This action seriously violated the 1982 UN Convention on the Law ofthe Sea (UNCLOS 1982) as well as Vietnam ’s sovereignty andjurisdiction rights over its exclusive economic zone and continentalshelf, and caused economic damages for PetroVietnam,” the associationstated.
The action also went againstcommitments China made in the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties inthe East Sea (DOC) signed between ASEAN and China in 2002, as well asthe common perception of the high-ranking leaders of Vietnam andChina , it added.
VOGA stressed that Vietnameseoil and gas enterprises’ implementation of seismic surveys in thecountry’s exclusive economic zone was a normal activity that hasoccurred since the 1980s and was totally in line with UNCLOS 1982.
Therefore, the association asked the Chinese side to strictly abide byUNCLOS 1982 – in which China was a member – as well as relevantinternational laws.
“The Chinese side shouldseriously implement commitments prescribed in the DOC and not to repeatsimilar acts in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf ofVietnam , as well as pay for damages to PetroVietnam caused by thethree marine surveillance vessels,” said VOGA.
The association said it always sought to boost the traditionalfriendship and cooperation between the two countries’ people and oil andgas workers, and respect the independence, sovereignty and territorialintegrity of all countries for the interests of peace, security andcooperation in the region./.