The agreement was reached by the Singaporean Minister for Trade andIndustry Lim Hng Kiang and Vietnam ’s Minister of Planning andInvestment Bui Quang Vinh, at the 8th Vietnamese-Singaporean MinisterialMeeting on Economic Connectivity which took place in Singapore onApril 4.
The Singaporean daily Straits Times quotedLim Hng Kiang as saying that there was potential for Vietnam andSingapore to cooperate further, as Vietnam ’s economy continues todevelop and grow.
The minister encouraged Vietnamto increase trading its commodities on the Singapore MercantileExchange (SMX) to hedge against risks as the prices of agriculturalproducts are extremely volatile, while at the same time the countryneeds to modernise its logistics and related financial services.
In 2005, the two governments signed the Vietnam-Singapore EconomicConnectivity Agreement, focusing on finance, education and training,transport, information-technology and communications, investment, tradeand services.
The meeting is held annually inrotation to review the progress of previously made commitments and todraw up out plans and action programmes for the future.-VNA