Commercial Counsellor and head of the Vietnam Trade Office in the US BuiHuy Son said two-way trade rose from 450 million USD in 1994 to 75 billion USDin 2019.
Since the Vietnam-US trade agreement was signed in 2000, Vietnam’sexports to the US have changed considerably, moving from apparel and leather andfootwear to agro-fisheries.
Shipments of apparel went up 24 percent last year, footwear 11 percent,mobile phones and spare parts 15 percent, computers and electronics 10 percent,and wooden furniture 9 percent.
Ten commodities earned over 1 billion USD from exports to the US,including apparel, with 14.8 billion USD, mobile phones and spareparts 8.8billion USD, footwear 6.6 billion USD, and wooden furniture 5.3 billion USD.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has also actively directed theimplementation of an action programme towards harmonious and sustainable tradebetween the two countries.
Vietnam will import more from the US, in particular energy, farmproduce, pharmaceuticals, and machinery and equipment for production and dailyuse.
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Do Thang Hai said recent changesto global supply chains have resulted in Vietnam becoming the 27th largestimporter and the 16th largest trade partner of the US.
The US also wants to import products where Vietnam possesses strengths,such as farm produce, apparel, leather and footwear, machinery, andelectronics. Vietnam, meanwhile, has demand for high-tech equipment,telecommunications, and farm produce from the US.
With GDP growth of nearly 7 percent each year and a population approaching100 million, Vietnam is viewed as a promising market for US enterprises inhealth care, education, telecoms, retail, finance-banking, and energy.
Some 130 countries and territories are now investing in Vietnam, with a combinedregistered capital of more than 340 billion USD. The US has 900 valid projectsworth over 9 billion USD.
Due to the impact of COVID-19, a number of US companies plan to movetheir investment from other regional nations to Vietnam.
US enterprises are also looking to export more LPG to Vietnam.
Speaking highly of the Vietnamese Government’s efforts to improveadministrative reforms and the business climate, President and CEO of the US-ASEANBusiness Council Alexander C. Feldman suggested that Vietnam further enhancetransparency regarding procurement, bidding, and foreign trade, thus creating alegal environment conducive to innovation and the digital economy.
Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh called on businesses tograsp the commitments made in free trade agreements between Vietnam and majormarkets, especially those relating to tariff incentives and rules of origin.
He said the MoIT welcomes US enterprises to conduct long-term businessin Vietnam and cooperate with Vietnamese partners in hi-tech agriculture, cleantechnology, and biotechnology, thus helping Vietnam deeply penetrate intoregional and global supply chains.
The ministry has also come up with major schemes to improve the competitivenessof exports, he said, particularly industrial and processed products, which alsohelps Vietnam join supply chains.
Enterprises should outline effective business strategies to navigate theUS market, contributing to further tightening Vietnam-US trade ties in thefuture, the minister added./.