Vietnamese enterprises seek Argentina partners

A delegation of Vietnamese businesses had a working visit to Argentina from September 8-11 to seek cooperation and investment opportunities in the South American country.
Vietnamese enterprises seek Argentina partners ảnh 1Vietnamese firms introduce their product to Argentina enterprises (Source: VNA)

Buenos Aires (VNA) - A delegation of Vietnamese businesses had a working visit to Argentina from September 8-11 to seek cooperation and investment opportunities in the South American country.

The trip aimed to help Vietnamese firms understand more about the market, consumption trends, consumers’ demand and requirements of importers in Argentina.

It offered an opportunity for Vietnamese enterprises to make full use of the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Argentina to increase two-way trade, which stands at more than 3 billion USD per year, and expand their markets to other Latin American countries.

The trip also helped suggest orientations for Vietnamese enterprises develop new commodities for export.

Speaking at a business forum held at the Argentina's Federal Investment Council with the participation of local firms, head of the delegation Bui Thi Thanh An - deputy head of the Trade Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade said she hopes meetings between the two countries’ enterprises will help the two sides learn more about strengths of each other, thus paving the way for export-import contracts.

Argentina is a relatively developed economy and the third largest in Latin America, but it only ranks 49th in Vietnam's export markets, she said, adding that Argentina enjoys a substantial trade surplus with Vietnam.

Vietnamese firms want to promote collaboration with Argentine partners, thus bringing Vietnamese goods to Argentina to increase Vietnam’s export turnover to this market.

According to Vietnamese Ambassador to Argentina Dang Xuan Dung, it is a difficult market for foreign goods and Vietnamese products in particular, but with efforts made by both sides, the goal to improve trade balance and turnover between the two sides is possible.

At the forum, 15 enterprises from the provinces and cities of Vietnam introduced local partners to products such as furniture, handicrafts, agricultural products and processed food, coffee, electrical equipment, rubber and construction materials.

During its stay, the Vietnamese business delegation worked with representatives from Falabella supermarket group.

Vietnamese businesses met with Falabella's purchasing department, and were introduced to the purchasing process, as well as requirements related to quality and social responsibility.

Falabella lauded Vietnam’s products and pledged to survey factories in Vietnam soon.-VNA


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