Chaired by Klaus Schwab, WEF executivechairman, the opening ceremony drew foreign leaders including CambodianPrime Minister Hun Sen, Lao Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh, MyanmarPrime Minister U Thein Sein, and Vice Chairwoman of the NationalCommittee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference WangZhizhen.
"The theme of rethinking Asia's leadershipof this conference is very appropriate to our regional context", saidPrime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung of host Vietnam in a keynote speechat the opening ceremony.
“A truly new opportunity hasdawned on East Asia and so it must take a greater role in globalgovernance,” Dung said.
He emphasised that the WEF heldin Vietnam at a point when the country holds the ASEAN chairmanshipmade it an important event and would contribute practically to themaking of policies and orientations of cooperation in the region for theyears to come.
Dung said global financial crisis hasrevealed some shortcomings of the international financial-economicsystem, while East Asian countries have dealt with these difficultiesquite effectively, eventually becoming the locomotive of world economicrecovery.
"The region has recovered swiftly from theglobal economic crisis", Dung said, adding that but it must work to turnrecovery into economic growth that is sustainable, equitable and helpsto solve global problems such as climate change.
"East Asia is well-positioned to make active contributions to thedevelopment of a new, more effective and democratic structure of globalgovernance," said Dung.
The Vietnamese Governmentleader pointed out the need for each individual nation to considerbalancing domestic production and exports as a matter of fact amidst theinternational trend towards globalisation.
Exportsorientations will make an important contribution to the world economy,Dung emphasised, citing Vietnam as an example.
“As the world’s second largest rice exporter, Vietnam has not onlytapped its advantage but also contributed to the world food security.”
In regard to the Asia’s rising role, the Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretary General, Surin Pitsuwan, saidAsia ’s leadership depended on the region’s capacity to solvecomprehensive reforms mechanism and handle economic stimulus packages aswell as contributions made by each individual Asian nation tointernational issues.
Russian VTB Bank President AndreiL.Konstin shared his view by saying that there were a lot for Asia todo to emerge as Europe of the previous century.
Thequestion is that what Asia should do to turn itself into Europe whileavoiding Greek problems, he said.
Indian Tata GroupGeneral Manager Hemant Nerukar pointed out four major questions thatAsia should address, namely financial management, enterprises’ socialresponsibility, management of talents and environment.
An estimated 450 leading government leaders and officials, leadingscholars and entrepreneurs from over 50 countries and regions took partin the conference.
During the two-day conference,participants will discuss four major topics including Asia'sleadership Agenda, global risks, sustainability and green growth, andregional competitiveness in a global economy.
TheWorld Economic Forum, based in Geneva, Switzerland, is anindependent and non-profit international organization committed toimproving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships toshape global, regional and industry agendas.
WEF on East Asiais a regional event of WEF held annually in Asia./.