Thecentre will provide information on trade policies and issues relatingto the WTO. It will also receive technical assistance and hold trainingcourses to improve capacity for Vietnamese officials under the WTOsponsorship.
The Advisory Centre on WTO in Vietnam is the 154 th facility of its kind in WTO member countries.
TheAdvisory Centre on WTO is expected to play an important role in thecountry, especially in providing technical assistance for economicdevelopment in Vietnam, said Mustapha Sadni Jallab, head of the WTOprogramme on Advisory Centre on WTO.
So far, the Advisory Centreon WTO in Vietnam has received 151 documents on 32 issues, includingdictionaries and handbooks on trade policies, trade talks, disputes andprocedures to solve trade disputes and trade agreements and tradeservices and statistics of WTO./.