Singapore (VNA) – DefenceMinisters of the ASEAN bloc and eight dialogues partners (Australia, China,India, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Russia and the US) haveagreed to step up collaboration to counter terrorist threats, and consolidatemutual trust and understanding.
This is the main content of the two joint statements issued in the framework ofthe 5th ASEAN Defence Minister’s Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus) takingplace in Singapore on October 20.
The ministers reaffirmed ADMM-Plus as a key component of a robust, effectiveand open regional security architecture that promotes mutual trust andconfidence among the defence establishments.
They recognised that it is important for theADMM Plus to put in place practical confidence-building measures that are inthe spirit of the ASEAN Political-Security Community Blueprint 2025, to ensure thesafety and security of the sea and air lanes that are critical for the region’scontinued development and prosperity.
They reaffirmed their commitment to abide by the Code for Unplanned Encountersat Sea (CUES) and implement the Convention on the International Regulations forPreventing Collisions at Sea 1972.
They welcomed the ADMM’s adoption of theGuidelines for Air Military Encounters and its Operational Annexes on ObservingExisting Aviation Conventions and Rules, Safe and Professional Communications,Standard Flight Procedures, and Encouraging Mutual Trust and Confidence in theAir.
The ADMM Plus expresses support in principlefor the initiative and intends to explore the application of these guidelinesby the ADMM Plus in consultation with ADMM Plus countries so as to ensure a safe, secure and peacefuloperating environment in the aviation domain, the statement said.
Regarding counter-terrorism cooperation, theministers pledged to work together to explore new forms of collaboration tobuild ASEAN capabilities in tackling the threat of terrorism.
The ADMM Plus meeting also discussed and agreed on measures to bolstercooperative mechanism within ADMM-Plus, with an emphasis on ASEAN’s centralrole and responsibility of the partners.
Lieutenant General Vu Chien Thang, Directorof the Foreign Relations Department under the Ministry of Defence, said that atthe meeting, Vietnam presented specific recommendations to strengthen thecollaborative ties between ASEAN and partner countries.
With China, Vietnam suggested the formation of direct communication lines betweenASEAN and Chinese defence ministers, holding of the first ASEAN-China exchangeof young officers, and establishment of a joint working group.
Vietnam proposed that the US help enhance capacity of ASEAN member states inthe fields of sea security, humanitarian assistance, search and rescue work,and settlement of post-war consequences.
With Japan, Thang said that Vietnam affirmedits support for the implementation of Japan’s “Vientiane Vision” and asking theEast Asian country to continue support for the ASEAN bloc in environmentalprotection, particularly water security.
In addition, Vietnam backed international efforts and extension of cooperationto prevent terrorism and terrorist sponsorship in any forms.
On the sidelines of the ADMM-Plus, there were informal meetings between ASEANdefence ministers and the US Secretary of Defence, and defence ministers ofChina and Japan, discussing ways to improve capacity for ASEAN and its memberstates, contributing to maintaining regional peace and stability.-VNA