☕ Afternoon briefing on June 5

The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.

☕ Afternoon briefing on June 5

Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a brief review of the day’s events as reported by the Vietnam News Agency.

- Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on June 5 asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Information and Communications to research and build a commercial platform for Vietnam which can integrate all activities such as identification, technology security, and customs payments.

An overview of the Q&A session (Photo: VNA)

Speaking at a question and answer (Q&A) session on industry and trade issues within the framework of the 15th National Assembly (NA)’s seventh sitting, Ha affirmed that e-commerce is an inevitable trend that will gradually replace traditional markets and commercial stores.Read full story

– Vietnam considers the US an important strategic partner and wants to work closer with the nation in implementing cooperation within their newly upgraded relation framework based on mutual respect for each other’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political institutions, Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son affirmed in his phone talks with Jeff Merkley, who chairs the Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies at the US Senate’s Appropriations Committee.

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son has talks over phone on June 4 with Jeff Merkley, who chairs the Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies at the US Senate’s Appropriations Committee. (Photo: VNA)

Expressing his delight at progress made in the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership so far, Son lauded the sides’ increasing delegation exchanges and interactions across all levels and channels, including the parliamentary channel, saying such activities have contributed to laying a foundation for cooperation between the Vietnamese National Assembly and the US Congress.Read full story

– Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) Ngo Van Tuan on June 5 answered deputies’ questions regarding audit issues at the National Assembly (NA)'s 7th session.

Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam Ngo Van Tuan (standing) answers deputies’ questions at the National Assembly (NA)'s 7th session on June 5 (Photo: VNA)

Clarifying measures to deal with the overlapping between audit and inspection activities, Tuan said that the Inspection Law states that on the basis of a report on the auditing plan, the Government General Inspectorate is responsible for guiding inspection agencies of ministries, sectors and agencies to build their own inspection plans to avoid overlapping.Read full story

– The Ministry of Finance (MoF) said on June 5 that in the first five months of 2024, domestic market prices were basically stable, with market developments in line with the price management scenario set by the Prime Minister’s Steering Committee for Price Management.

In May alone, the prices of some products tended to increase compared to the previous month such as pork prices due to the impact of African swine fever spreading in some localities, affecting the supply. Greater demand in the international market has also resulted in higher rice prices in the southern region. Price of liquefied petroleum gas recorded a slight decrease while petrol prices were adjusted in accordance with fluctuations in the world market.Read full story

– A delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee led by its Vice President Nguyen Huu Dung paid a working visit to the Republic of Korea (RoK) from June 4-6, aiming to promote the friendship between the two countries.

The visit was also to realise a conclusion of the Presidium of the VFF Central Committee to implement the Politburo’s Conclusion No. 12-KL/TW dated August 12, 2021 on overseas Vietnamese (OV) affairs in the new situation.Read full story

– The Vietnamese Embassy in Switzerland and the Swiss-Viet Economic Forum (SVEF) jointly organised the 2024 Vietnam-Switzerland Economic Forum themed "Strengthening Ties, Building Futures" on June 4.

Duong Xuan Huyen, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Lang Son provincial People's Committee, delivering a speech on startup investment (Photo: VNA)

The hybrid forum, supported by the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) and the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant ministries, draw the participation of over 200 delegates.Read full story

– Winners of the photo and video clip contest “Technology with Heart” were honoured at a ceremony held in the headquarters of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) in Hanoi on June 5.

The contest, a joint initiative between the VNA and the Military Industry and Telecoms Group (Viettel), aims to spread positive images on the theme of people and technology, toward building a digital society where communities are better served, happier and wealthier, and stay safer thanks to scientific knowledge and products.Read full story


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