Secretary of the Party Committee Nguyen Tien Hai said the province’s aquaticoutput reached 150,500 tonnes, up 2.7 percent year-on-year, while itsindustrial production index was up 12.7 percent.
In the first three months, the province exported 181 million USD worth ofgoods, a year-on-year increase of 13.6 percent.
Notably, Ca Mau began the construction of three wind power projects with totalcapacity of 525 MW, and continued to attract investment in renewable energy incoastal areas, as planned.
Progress has also been made in new-style rural area building, with 43 out of 82securing the status, as well as in firefighting.
Preparations for the elections of deputies to the 14th National Assemblyand all-level People’s Councils for 2021-2026 have been conducted seriously, Haisaid.
At the meeting, the provincial Party Committee’s Standing Board drew up majortasks for the second quarter of this year, including tapping local potentialand advantages to complete economic growth target amid COVID-19, speeding upthe implementation of projects, further reforming administrative procedures,improving the efficiency of Party and political system building, and fightingcorruption, wastefulness, and other bad deeds.
Hai asked localities to better protect the environment, especially in thetreatment of household waste, and remain vigilant against COVID-19./.