Addressing a forum on the impacts of climate change and biodiversityheld on May 22, Dr Hoang Nghia Son, director of the Institute ofTropical Biology, said that biodiversity was a crucial base for theexistence and development of countries around the world but it had beenseverely affected by climate change.
"Sea levels are expected to rise 1m by the end of this century whichwill flood up to 12 percent of Vietnam," he said.
"Coastal wetlands will be heavily affected, especially in HCM Cityand the Mekong Delta provinces of Tra Vinh, Soc Trang, Bac Lieu andCa Mau, home to many important wetland areas.
"Eight national parks and 11 nature reserves will be flooded, killingmany species of flora and fauna," Son warned.
Dr Le Anh Tuan of Can Tho University's Natural Resources andEnvironment Department said rising temperatures and sea levels as wellas irregular rainfall and a large number of storms and whirlwindsdamaged the biodiversity of wetland areas.
"An increase in temperature will cause hundreds of trees to die andincrease the threat of forest fires and slow the growth of flora.Fluctuating rainfall will change the biological cycles of flora andfauna and alternate natural flows as well.
"In addition, rising sea levels will mess with the ecosystem andthreaten flora through salination, erosion and high tides. "Storms andwhirlwinds will devastate coastal zones, destroying forests, degradingwater quality and killing species of flora and fauna," Tuan emphasised.
Tram Chim National Park, an endemic park of cajeput treesand birds in the Cuu Long Delta, has recently experienced the impacts ofclimate change. Nguyen Van Hung, Director of the park, said they werehaving to fight the spread of harmful species including apple snails andmimosa pigra, along with changes in temperature and rainfall.
"We have seen a decrease in crane numbers due to a lack of tuberscalled nang, which the crane feed upon, which were destroyed by floodslast year. This year, we are faced with severe drought and the risk offorest fires this summer," he said.
Dr Le Van Hue from Vietnam National University in Hanoi andNorwegian NGO Tropenbos International in Vietnam said evidence ofclimate change had become apparent.
"Climate change has discernibly affected plant and animal populationsin recent decades," she said. Experts believe that work to protectbiodiversity must be undertaken by the whole society. Tuan recommendedthat the National Assembly form new laws on climate change to encouragecontributions from decision makers, local authorities, scientists andenvironmentalists at a grassroots level.
"Every province should have a committee for provincial climate changeadaptation to co-ordinate the actions of NGOs, scientists and localauthorities and to create a network for information exchange," he said.
Dr Vu Ngoc Long, the Institute of Tropical Biology's deputydirector and director of the HCM City based Centre of Biodiversityand Development (CBD) said the call and efforts by scientists through theco-ordination of CBD has drawn the attention of the Ministry of NaturalResources and Environment.
He believed the invitation to become a member of the organising boardof the ASEAN exhibition on Biology to be held in August on the sidelinesof the 21st Meeting of ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment was achance for co-operation.
The ministry's National General Department of Environment will takecharge of organising the exhibition./.