* Can you give your evaluations on Dong Nai’ssocioeconomic developments and investment attraction in the first ninemonths of 2013?
Despite the variations in thedomestic and global economies having negative impacts on theimplementation of our tasks and goals, Dong Nai has made positivechanges in the local socioeconomic developments with high concentration,good coordination and the efforts of the political system, the businesscommunity and people.
The province recorded grossdomestic product (GDP) growth of 11.13 percent year-on-year to reach35.722 trillion VND, equal to 69.6 percent of the year’s plan. From thebeginning of this year to September 20, the total foreign investmentcapital reached 912.5 million USD, of which 520 million USD was investedin industrial zones; 62 newly-licensed projects with total capital of398 million USD; 53 added capital projects (up 514.9 million USD) andthe FDI capital disbursed in the above-mentioned period reached 709million USD, equal to 78.8 percent of the year’s estimated plan.
by now, Dong Nai has 1,032 valid projects with total capital of 19.2 billion USD.
* In the difficult context of the domestic economy, Dong Nai is stillone of the provinces that have the leading economic growth andinvestment attraction of the country. How did it adopt foreign relationspolicies to attract FDI resources?
Dong Nai hasbeen developing its local image and trademark as an auspicious, safe andefficient investment destination. Coming to Dong Nai, investors willalways find cooperation and support of authorities at different levels.The main aim of province is to create a healthy and transparent businessenvironment through political, social and economic stability, goodservice and protection for entrepreneurs and workers, administrativereforms so that enterprises could focus on their businesses. The localauthorities at different levels have done their foreign relations workswell, but they have to continue the administrative procedure reforms andmake better innovations, meeting the growing demand of organisations,individuals and enterprises.
To achieve expectedresults in FDI capital attraction, Dong Nai province has been wellimplementing foreign investment promotion, especially from Japan. ManyJapanese enterprises have come to Dong Nai to seek for investmentopportunities. In the first nine months, there were 20 licensed projectsof Japanese investors with total newly registered and added capital ofnearly 500 million USD.
The province has alsoactively organized foreign investment promotion programs in foreigncountries. The initiative was highly appreciated by internationalfriends and they also committed for their long term business in DongNai.
* What are the goals, tasks and solutions that the province has set in the 2013-2015 period?
The common goals that Dong Nai is targeting in the 2013-2015 periodare to develop a rapid and sustainable economic growth, promoteinternational integration, industrialisation and modernisation; improvepeople’s livelihoods, ensure social security and strive to become aindustrial province by 2015.
Specifically, Dong Naiwill strive to post a GDP growth of 13-14 percent per year and theaverage GDP per capita by 2015 will be from 2,900-3,000 USD. Theeconomic structure by 2015 will be: industry-construction sectorsaccounting for 56-57 percent, service 38-39 percent ,agriculture-forestry and fishery 4-6 percent and total export revenuewill increase by 15-17 percent per year. As for the structure of DongNai’s labor market during this period: the industry-construction sectorsaccounting for 39-40 percent, trade and services 38-39 percent and theagriculture-forestry and fishery sectors 21-22 percent.
To achieve the above goals, Dong Nai will focus on investment ininfrastructure, especially the traffic routes connecting urban areas andindustrial zones. The province will develop high quality services suchas finance, banking, transportation, communication, hotels andrestaurants; attract investment to high-tech and added-value industriesand will also develop the trademarks of local industrial products.
In agriculture, Dong Nai will develop rural infrastructure, improvethe quality of agricultural products, train high quality human resourcesand organise vocational training courses for rural workers.
* In the current international integration process which poses manyopportunities and challenges, what will the province do to helpenterprises remove difficulties and stabilize their production andbusinesses?
The province will continue to promotethe administrative procedure reforms to create a really open and healthybusiness environment for enterprises. Leaders of the provincialPeople's Committee, departments and sectors will keep on supporting andremoving difficulties for enterprises such as providing informationabout market and approaches to credit sources. Imminently, the localdepartments and sectors will meet with enterprises once a month, insteadof once a quarter to timely grasp information and provide suitableassistance.
On an overall view, according to thedevelopment planning of local industrial zones (IZs) approved by theprime minister, the province will have 34 IZs by 2015. In addition, theprime minister also approved to build Long Thanh High-tech IZ, anagricultural and industrial complex in Xuan Loc, Thong Nhat and the CamMy Bio-tech Park. Dong Nai province is also making preparations forinvestment in technical infrastructure and training high quality humanresources.
The province is also starting big trafficprojects such as the Ho Chi Minh City - Long Thanh - Dau Giay, Bien Hoa- Vung Tau and Ben Luc - Long Thanh highways, Phuoc An Seaport and LongThanh International Airport. These construction works are opening moreopportunities for investors coming to work in the province. What theprovincial People's Committee wants is to see investors coming toexplore opportunities to develop their businesses and contribute to theprovincial socioeconomic development, orienting to build Dong Nai intoan industrial province by 2015.-VNA