The company is named Ngwe Galon Min Co., Ltd and addressedat No.446/447, Konzedan street, Thein Gyi Zay (A) Yone, Pabedan Tsp, Yangon.
Under the Myanmar law, imports that fail to pass customsclearance within 60 days since arriving at a local port will be put up forauction and added to the public property.
According to the Vietnam Trade Office in Myanmar, thecompany refused to receive Vietnamese pepper due to their falling prices at thetime of delivery.
The agency advised firms to actively grasp information aboutfree trade agreements, especially those regarding tax incentives, qualityrequirements and rules of goods origin.
It also encouraged businesses to adopt modern technology toraise the rate of white pepper for export to 20 percent by 2020 and 50 percentby 2030./.