Phnom Penh (VNA) – Floods have continued to wreakhavoc in Cambodia, with the death toll already reaching 16.
Spokesman of the Cambodian Interior MinistryKhieu Sopheak said on October 12 that five more people died from drowning inSvay Rieng, Prey Veng, Banteay Meanchey, Kandal, and Kampong Thom provinces.
The country’s National Committee for DisasterManagement confirmed 16 deaths as a result of floods in more than one week.
Meanwhile, 10 provinces are hard-hit by thefloods, including Pailin, Preah Vihear, Kampong Chhnang, Stung Treng, BanteayMeanchey, Battambang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Kampong Thom and Kampong Speu.
Battambang and Pursat authorities said theirprovinces have suffered from the most damage. Local authorities are cooperatingwith police to evacuate all affected residents to a safe place.
The Interior Ministry noted that an additional80 tonnes of rice have been delivered to people affected by the floods inBattambang.
Authorities at all levels in Cambodia wereadvised to monitor the situation, facilitate announcements about flooded roads,suspend travel, and install warning signs to prevent possible accidents.
As many as 24,666 houses and over 70,000ha of rice fields and subsidiary crops have been destroyed, withoutinundated school buildings, roads and bridges counted, according toSpokesperson for the National Committee for Disaster Management Khun Sokha./.