Forum expands Vietnam – China trade links

The Vietnam – China Economic and Trade Forum, opened in Liuzhou city, the Chinese province of Guangxi on November 18, enabled a wider connectivity of businesses of both sides.
The Vietnam – China Economic and Trade Forum, opened in Liuzhou city, the Chinese province of Guangxi on November 18, enabled a wider connectivity of businesses of both sides.

Addressing nearly 300 Vietnamese and Chinese firms taking part, Deputy Mayor of Liuzhou city Jiao Yaoguang said he hopes the two countries’ businesses will boost cooperation in infrastructure, science - technology, foodstuff, education, training and tourism in the time to come.

For Vietnamese Ambassador to China Nguyen Van Tho, there are untapped potentials, especially in agriculture, transport, processing industry and support services, for the two countries’ cooperation to co-develop the “two corridors, one economic belt”.

To facilitate bilateral business activities, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) has established a business forum and a Vietnamese-Chinese business community, which have attracted over 2,000 members, said VCCI Vice President Pham Gia Tuc.

Tuc noted that Vietnam , with its increasing role and position at ASEAN, APEC and ASEM, serves as a gateway for foreign enterprises and goods, including that of China , to enter other important markets.

At the forum, participants, who are engaging in automobile production, electronics, sugarcane, chemicals and export-import, shared information and recommended measures to increase the output of customs clearance.

The same day, the third China – ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs’ Start-up Forum themed “ Enterprise development and social responsibility” also took place in Liuzhou .

Present at the event, VCCI Vice President Tuc said the forum’s theme goes well with the goal of gender equality and sustainable development is increasingly become a trend in the world.

He emphasised that supporting women in business start-up is one of effective policies to stimulate economic development.-VNA

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