Forum on Francophone economic cooperation

Forum on Francophone economic cooperation underway

A forum on economic cooperation among French-speaking countries in Asia-Pacific opened in HN on April 3.
A forum on economic cooperation among French-speaking countries in Asia-Pacific that opened in Hanoi on April 3 was said to propose valuable suggestions for the building of an economic strategy for the Francophone community.

Opening the event, Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc further said the community, with 77 member countries and governments and a combined population of over 800 million, is an important group in dealing with international issues, including economics.

Economic cooperation was among the top priorities that Francophonie leaders stated in the community’s charter, approved in Hanoi in 1997.

Anissa Barrak, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific of the International Organisation of the Francophonie, reviewed the growing partnership within the community in such fields as teaching the French language, enhancing scientific research and judicial capacity, creating jobs for the youth, and cooperation among regional businesses.

She also described ASEAN, with Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand being Francophonie members, as an active economic region.

The official expressed her hope that the two-day forum will raise suggestions for the building of a Francophonie economic strategy and the economic cooperation within the community as well.

The event drew representatives of embassies and international organisations in Vietnam, the network of structures and institutions in charge of Francophone in Asia-Pacific, and businesses and scholars-VNA

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