Andreas Kappes,General Director in charge of international cooperation programmes atthe German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation (DGRV), alsoemphasised that competent managers and a professional businessadministration are key factors ensuring cooperatives’ success.
Participants shared views on the role of cooperatives in a marketeconomy and the weaknesses of the cooperative sector in Vietnam.
Over the past 10 years, the DGRV has assisted Tien Giang province indeveloping cooperatives by offering advice and sharing experiences intheir organisation and business activities. It also sent experts to theprovince to train local cooperative managers in business administration.
According to Nguyen Van Hong, Chairman of theCooperative Alliance in Tien Giang, the province is home to 102cooperatives and 1,433 informal cooperative groups, with more than50,000 members and total assets of over 1.9 trillion VND (around 91million USD).-VNA