Hanoi (VNA) – The Hanoi Party Committee has promulgated a resolution to enhanceenvironmental protection to 2020 and the following years.
The capital will focus on protection and sustainable use of waterresources, effective management of discharge sources and cleaning contaminatedrivers and lakes.
From now to 2020, Hanoiaims to completely treat waste from polluted lakes in the city and provideclean water for all rural people.
Waste treatment systems will be installed in industrial parks andclusters, hospitals and medical centres and craft villages.
The city requested all construction sites to take measures to reducedust and air pollution.
Mineral processing facilities will have to enact solutions to protectthe environment and apply modern technologies to mitigate emissions.
The city aims to cut down on the burying of waste while increasingrecycling.
Agencies are responsible for completing a master plan to deal with waterpollution in some rivers.
Aiming for fundamental changes in environmental protection in 2017-2020,Hanoi orderedall-level departments and sectors to increase coordination to address pollution.
Apart from raising public awareness of the issue, the city will focus onrefining policies and laws on environmental protection and promulgatingenvironmental technical regulations in high-risk fields, populous urban areasand sensitive ecological regions.
Regulations on environmental protection will be revised towardpreventing investment projects using low technology and production models thatpose a high risk of pollution.
Competent agencies also will step up inspections to detect and tackle anyviolations of environment regulations.
The city will establish a centre for environment data management in 2017to examine waste discharge.
It will also move facilities causing serious environmental pollution farfrom residential areas.-VNA