HCMCity (VNS/VNA) — The Vietbuild International Exhibition with the themeConstruction – Building materials – Real Estate – Interior andExterior Decoration will be held in Ho Chi Minh City from June 24 to 28.
The exhibition will have nearly1,800 booths of more than 400 exhibitors, including many foreign brands.
It is among thefirst exhibitions this year. Many Vietbuild exhibitions withdifferent themes will be held in the country’s four biggest cities of Hanoi,HCM City, Can Tho and Da Nang this year.
On display will be buildingmaterials, electrical equipment, interior and exterior decorative items,hygiene equipment, door and door accessories, paints, water purifiers, handtools and others, with many new models and improved features and quality tomeet higher requirements from customers for environmentally friendlyproducts.
Professional seminars andbusiness-matching events will be held on the sidelines of the exhibition,including a seminar on “Breakthrough technologies and materials inthe construction industry in post COVID-19”, which seeks to encouragebusinesses to continue research and produce new and high-tech products to meeturban construction and housing market demands towards green and sustainabledevelopment.
The exhibitions will offera platform for companies to meet, exchange information, exploreco-operation prospects, and introduce their latest products and technologies,according to the organisers.
They will also helpexhibitors understand more about the market and consumers’ tastes so that theycan map out appropriate business strategies.
Co-organised by the Ministry ofConstruction’s Information Centre and VIETBUILD Construction InternationalExhibition Organisation Corp, the exhibition will be held at the Saigon Exhibitionand Convention Centre in District 7./.