The key markets include Europe (55 percent of the exports) and Asia (31 percent),followed by the US, Africa and the Middle East.
The surge in revenue was largely due to higher prices for pet fish exported toEurope and Asia, according to the department.
Dia fish (red discus fish) had one of the highest export values (4.7million USD, with more than 135,000 fish). Other popular exported ornamentalfish include neon fish, molly fish, sailfin molly, and seven-coloured fish,Siamese fighting fish.
In 2015, the city exported 13 million ornamental fish and gained revenue of 12million USD, doubling the 2010 figures, according to the department.
Under a programme to boost ornamental fish breeding development by 2020, thecity will focus on increasing quantity and product value, upgrading thebreeding infrastructure to prevent disease and protect the environment.
The city has set a target by 2020 to produce 150-180 million ornamental fishand export 40-50 million ornamental fish with export value of 40 million USD to50 million USD.
To reach the target, the department needs to expand pet fish production area indistricts 8, 9, 12, Go Vap, Thu Duc, Cu Chi, Binh Chanh and Hoc Mon.
The city has also mapped out breeding and technical programmes and outlined aroadmap to enhance ornamental fish development.
Along with setting up linkages between production and consumption, the citywill also build a website that will introduce ornamental fish breeding farmsand enterprises to customers.
The industry will also create efficient production models that providedisease-free fish for export and offer consultations about pet fish.
Vietnamese pet fish are shipped to 47 countries, with Europe accounting for 60-70percent of the market share. The major buyers are Germany, the UK, Sweden,Denmark, France, Italy, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.-VNA