Passenger checking and baggage scanning are tightened. 100 percent of passengers must take off their shoes and coats for scanning (Photo: VNA) A fleet of cars carrying logistics equipment for the US delegation’s security work leaves Noi Bai airport for Hanoi centre (Photo: VNA)Security is tightened both inside and outside, at restricted and public areas of the Noi Bai international airport (Source: VNA)A traffic policman stops vehicles to give way for the US delegation’s s to Vietnam (Source: VNA)At public area, passengers are requested to keep closed eyes on their luggage, and they will be also supervised by cameras and security staff. (Source: VNA)At landing area, planes park at nights at places lighted and supervised by cameras (Source: VNA)
Highest security level deployed at Noi Bai int’l airport
The Hanoi-based Noi Bai International Airport has set its highest security level for the upcoming DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit.