Hydrology: Career for people with wanderlust

Lots of people may think that Hydrology is all about research, so it is not for active people. Yet, the subject, on the contrary, is perfect for those with wanderlust.

Lots of people may think that Hydrology is all about research, so it is not for active people. Yet, the subject, on the contrary, is perfect for those with wanderlust.

As their job requires in-depth research on water cycles, currents and rainfalls in given areas, hydrologists need to travel frequently for observing, surveying and analysing their study areas. Not to mention, plenty of expertise conferences and meetings await hydrologists.

The fact that hydrology is ideal for people with wanderlust could be seen in the Hanoi University of Science under the Vietnam National University, the leading educational institution nationwide in providing high-quality hydrologists. Each year, the Hydrology & Water Resources Department constantly receives orders from organisations from central to local levels to conduct practical hydrological research. Through such activities, students are challenged with actual jobs of a hydrologist when still in college.

Besides getting familiar with actual jobs of a hydrologist from very early, students pursuing Hydrology and Water Resources are also provided with numerous scholarships and grants from various sources thanks to national incentive policies for the sector.

Opportunities for studying abroad are also opened up for future hydrologists due to exchange programmes between Hanoi University of Science and prestigious educational institutions from developed countries, such as Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Australia, the United Kingdom, among others.-VNA