Hanoi (VNA) – The index of industrial production (IIP) rose by 9.4 percentyear-on-year in the first seven months of this year, according to the GeneralStatistics Office (GSO).
GSO statisticianssaid the nation’s IIP ensured a stable growth of more than 9 percentrecorded since the beginning of this year.
The processing andmanufacturing sector, which accounts for nearly 80 percent of domesticindustrial production, reported a significant IIP increase of 10.7 percent – ahighlight that led the growth of the whole sector, they said.
Meanwhile, the IIP growth of electricity production and distribution stood at 10percent and that of water supply and waste treatment sector and mining sectorreached 7.6 percent and 1.1 percent, respectively.
Industries achieving high production growth in the reviewed period includedcoke coal and refined mining products (48 percent), metal (40 percent), oreexploitation (17 percent), rubber and plastic production (16 percent) and motorvehicles (12 percent).
Some major industrial products with a strong IIP increase such as crude ironand steel (57 percent), petroleum (45 percent), television (24 percent), and liquefiedpetroleum gas (17 percent).
As of July 1, 2019,the number of labourers working for industrial enterprises nationwide marked amonth-on-month rise of 1.3 percent and a year-on-year hike of 2 percent,according to the GSO.
Nikkei and IHS Markitsaid in the latest survey that Vietnam’s manufacturing production rosesharply in July.
According to thesurvey, the Vietnam Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' index (PMI) ticked up to52.6 in July from 52.5 in June, signalling a further monthly improvement inbusiness conditions.-VNA