Many factors support industrial real estate market’s growth: Experts

The industrial real estate market is expected to boom thanks to good signs in foreign direct investment and the resumption of international flights, predicted experts from Savills Vietnam.

According to the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, in the first two months of 2022, Vietnam drew 5 billion USD in FDI, equal to 91.5 percent of the same period last year. The figure is encouraging given the spreading pandemic.

The real estate sector came second in FDI attraction in the period with over 1.5 billion USD, the agency reported.

Savills experts forecast that the resumption of international flights from March 15 will lead to a boom in FDI attraction with many new projects, especially factories, logistics services and warehouses.

The resumption of international routes will make it easier for foreign-invested enterprises to access industrial park projects in Vietnam, which will greatly support the growth of this segment in 2022, they added./.