High quality rice exportsincreased by 44 percent compared to the same period last year,generating 2.32 billion USD since the beginning of 2014.
Theregion has implemented a number of effective marketing plans with afocus on quality and competitive prices. As a result, orders from theEuropean Union, North America, Asia and Africa have increasedsignificantly.
The two recent harvests had a total output of 24.3million tonnes, with high quality rice and fragrant rice accounting forover 70 percent.
Recently, the region’s rice institute has selected new rice varieties with high yields to supply farmers.
Additionally,a number of enterprises have increased their rice cultivation areas tomeet export demands and contribute to improving the image of rice fromthe Mekong Delta region and Vietnam in general.
Dubbed as thecountry’s rice granary, the Mekong Delta region produces over 50 percentof the total food output, and provides 90 percent of the country’sexported rice, 70 percent of exported fruits and 60 percent of exportedseafood.-VNA