CaMau, one of the largest shrimp producing provinces, struggled earlier thisyear, but exports have been improving recently due to authorities’ support andbusinesses’ own efforts.
Shrimpexports in the first 10 months of the year were worth over 783 million USD, 6 percenthigher than the same period last year.
Shrimpexports by Bac Lieu province topped 600 million USD, a 5 percent increase.
HuynhThanh Tan, Director of the Ca Mau Seafood Processing and Service Joint StockCompany, said due to the pandemic prices of raw shrimp were down for a longtime, and farmers cut back on production. Recent rains and rising tides alsohit shrimp farming, he said.
Shrimpprices are recovering as more businesses are buying, and as a result farmersare resuming farming. Supply is expected to recover by the start of nextyear.
NguyenViet Trung, head of the commerce management division at the Ca Mau Departmentof Industry and Trade, said the European Union – Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA)would provide a good opportunity for shrimp exports to the EU.
Sharkcatfish prices had dropped to 17,000 – 19,000 VND (0.77 USD) per kilo, but arenow recovering, and Nguyen Thanh Binh, Director of the Chau Thanh SeafoodProduction and Service Cooperative in Dong Thap province, said processors werebuying it now for exports at 23,000 VND, which gives farmers a profit.
Exportsdropped by 28.6 percent in the first nine months of the year, but they areexpected to recover by the end of the year due to higher demand, especiallyduring Christmas and New Year, according to the Vietnam Association of SeafoodExporters and Producers.
Exporterstoo are focusing on increasing exports, improving product quality anddiversifying their product range.
Deltaprovinces are helping businesses diversify their product portfolio processfurther to improve value added.
Theyare also helping businesses better understand and utilise free tradeagreements that Vietnam has signed with other countries and blocs, and helpingfarmers revive production quickly and improve quality.
Vietnam’sseafood exports in the first 10 months were worth 6.87 billion USD, and full-yearexports are expected to be 8.4 billion USD, a 2 percent decrease from 2019./.