☀️ Morning digest March 4

The following is a list of selected news summaries last night by the Vietnam News Agency.
☀️ Morning digest March 4 ảnh 1
Hanoi (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested the COVAX Facility continue its supply of COVID-19 vaccines to Vietnam, especially vaccines against new variants, during his phone talks with Managing Director of the COVAX Facility Aurélia Nguyen on March 3. The PM said since their in-person meeting in Paris last November, Vietnam has gained positive outcomes in raising its COVID-19 vaccination coverage, becoming one of the countries taking the lead globally in this regard. Read full story

- Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang informed the press on Vietnam’s policy on visa and mutual recognition of vaccine passport during a regular press conference of the ministry held online on March 3. Foreigners, overseas Vietnamese and their family members holding eligible documents will be allowed to enter the country in accordance with the Law on Foreigners’ Entry into, Exit from, Transit through, and Residence in Vietnam, Hang said. Read full story

☀️ Morning digest March 4 ảnh 2At the talks between Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Vu and Deputy Secretary for Southeast Asia and Global Partners Group at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Katrina Cooper. (Photo: Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
– The relationship between Vietnam and Australia is developing strongly and at its best ever, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu said on March 3. During his talks in Hanoi with Katrina Cooper, Deputy Secretary for Southeast Asia and Global Partners Group at the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Vu stressed that Vietnam highly values its strategic partnership with Australia. Read full story

- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and ASEAN leaders have been invited by the US President to attend a special ASEAN-US summit to be held in Washington DC in the coming time, spokeswoman of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang has announced. Hang revealed the information during a regular press conference held online by the ministry on March 3. Read full story

– Vietnam welcomes the ongoing dialogue between Ukraine and Russia, and hopes that the sides will soon find long-term peaceful solutions to differences in line with international law and taking account of legitimate rights and interests of the concerned parties, spokeswoman of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang has said. Read full story
☀️ Morning digest March 4 ảnh 3Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the meeting. (Photo: VNA) 
– Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a regular Government meeting in Hanoi on March 3, during which he required Government members to keep updated on the regional and world situation so as to timely address any arising issues. A report at the meeting showed that in February and the first two months of 2022, the country saw positive results in socio-economic development. Read full story

– Vietnam has become an increasingly attractive place for businesses of all types, given the country’s growing consumer class and dynamic workforce, according to the newswire Vietnam Briefing. Much of Vietnam’s economic growth has come from the movement of people from traditional agriculture to the manufacturing and service industries, in addition to the increased mechanisation of the agriculture sector itself, the newswire wrote in an article published on March 2. Read full story

-  A Vietnam-Japan policy research forum entitled ‘New Dynamism in Asia-Pacific Supply Chains beyond COVID-19: Implications for Japan-Vietnam Cooperation’ was held in Hanoi on March 3. The event was jointly organised by the Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO), the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) and the Graduate School of Public Policy - the University of Tokyo. Read full story ./.

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